New Survey Question
poll closed 5/16/2016 total votes: 104
poll closed 5/16/2016 total votes: 104
What improvements are needed along the Glynn Avenue corridor in the city of Brunswick?
More . . .
Restaurants Entertainment Shopping Parks
27.2% 22.3% 13.6% 36.9%
Previous Survey Question
As a tourist destination, the appearance of the Gateway to the Golden Isles is not aesthetically appealing to visitors. Do you support the City and County aggressively enforcing ordinances now on the books that would require property owners to better maintain their properties?
Answer Number of Responses Per cent of Total
Yes 60 83.3%
No 8 11.1%
Undecided 2 2.8%
Other 2 2.8%
No 8 11.1%
Undecided 2 2.8%
Other 2 2.8%
Total 72 100.0%